Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Important People: Kaiser Wilhelm II

Kaiser Wilhelm II was the emperor of Germany during WWI, and also happened to be the last German Emperor. His first major political move was dismissing Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck. Wilhelm II, convinced of this divine right to rule, was not satisfied with ruling alongside Bismarck, who he felt was not nearly aggressive enough of a leader. With Bismarck out of the way, Wilhelm II was able to impose his militaristic policies of naval armament and a colonial empire for Germany. Although these policies were great for German national pride, they put a strain on the delicate alliance system among Germany's neighbors that Bismarck had fought so hard to create.

The failure to renew the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia in 1893 and negotiate a settlement with Britain was evidence of the breaking down of the alliance system. France sided with Russia with the Dual Alliance of 1894, ensuring that f war should break out, Germany would have to fight on two fronts. This drove Wilhelm II into an alliance with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, drawing Germany into a tumultuous Balkan region, and putting even more strain on relations with Russia.

Wilhelm II most certainly escalated the crisis of 1914 by providing Austria with a blank check. The Kaiser also stated publicly that it was "now or never for the Austrians." These two things drove Austria to declare war on Russia, creating a much bigger conflict. The political environment that Kaiser Wilhelm II created in Europe was most certainly conductive of the outbreak of war. Through his nationalistic and militaristic policies, Wilhelm II effectively destroyed all the alliances that Bismarck had created just a few years before. If the assassination of Ferdinand was the spark that set off the war, than Wilhelm's foreign policy was the fuel. Thus, Kaiser Wilhelm II deserves to be recognized as one of the most influential people of the time period.

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